Monday, July 13, 2009

my reflection on my first day on resources class - week1

The first day of resources class, i wonder what the subject is all about. it was a first time exposure to me. i never thought such programme exists.. after i went through the class for that day, i realized that the course is very important for me. it is about using technology in learning and teaching. it teach us to develop skills to create our own ways and approaches to teach the pupils. in the beginning of the lesson, the lecturers asked us to list all the ideas of the uses of technology in using ICT. all of us gave many ict technology or resources uses. the lecturer made me realized that most pupils nowadays are ict advanced. we, as teachers must have the ability to use technology that catch the pupils' attention so that they focus to our lesson and doesn't get bored easily.

Puan Foziah introduce me to something that connects us around the world such as friendster and facebook, which is blogging.this web has lot to give us. if we don't use it meaningfully, we would waste the opportunity to grasp the advantage that we have to make our life easier. the most important of all, we have the chance to teach and to guide the pupils to be individuals who are balanced academically and morally by using technology in our teachings.

Then we learn to create our own blog. another way to connect with people around the world, especially my cohort 4. this time, i was assigned to have my own blog where i wrote out my personal details, wrote my own blog and have the chance to know myself better and connect with my friends. we exchanged thoughts this web world, we could express our feelings freely..that was what good about it.

This is my first reflection on the first lecture and i hope that i could gain knowledge as much as i can so that i have the ability to teach better and efffectively..also boost my confidence that i am a 'teacher'.

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