Monday, August 31, 2009

7th editing

audio editing..something valuable that pn. foziah taught us this week. i learned more that i could produce materials that use audio more often for my upcoming teaching aids.

there are many effects that i could use to produce an effective teaching materials for the children. i could take benefit from this week lesson as i found it very valuable.

madam assigned us some tasks to be done in order to assess our level of understanding on audio editing. i found that most of the tasks could be done in such a fun way.

Monday, August 17, 2009

the week before holiday ......6th

pn. foziah taught us a new way of teaching..that is by using and creating your own e-book. e-book is easy and effective used to teach pupils as the message conveyed through e-book as as it is easily obtained by thre pupils as it is fun and enjoyable to the pupils.

that day, she instructed us to do the draft of our own e-book and she wanted to check before we further involve in the producing of the e-book. it was our next assignment . i drafted mine and showed it to her. she made some adjustment and give me the green light to do my e-book.

we were required to do creatively and come up with originality...that's what we are going to do!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

wonderful's the fifth now

today, madam gave us some work on internet skills..she showed us about photoshop. she wanted us to try it out. as we explore, we find that it is very interesting. there are many creative thing we can do with it.

she also gave us assignments that we can retrieve in the skydrive..we are very determine to finish all the tasks given as we know at the end of the day, we will gain benefits and use the knowledge to teach better in future.

i hope next week, we will learn new skills and enjoy ourselves...