Tuesday, November 10, 2009

what i think about resources.....final blog

1. What do you like about blogging?
I love blogging because i could express my thoughts and feelings and my friends could give their comment as well. i became more interactive and communicate better with all my friends.

2. What have you gained from blogging? How?
i gained so much through doing reflection as i learned so much and reflect to my actions and how others reacted so that i could improve myself.

3. What have you gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.
I gained more confidence as i had improved my learning and teaching skills. i also acquire problem solving skills and acquire the skills of using technology in teaching..

4. How?
by exploring and blogging!!

5. What do you like about this course?
I learned skills of using technology in teaching and learning.

6. What you do not like about this course?
too much of works in limited time..

7. What have you learnt from this course?
I gained more confidence as i had improved my learning and teaching skills. i also acquire problem solving skills and acquire the skills of using technology in teaching..

8. What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?
i didn't expect that there are so many methods or software that i could use to produce teaching materials...

9. What have u expected but do not learn from this course?
i learned so many positive things, none are not worth it..

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what is and elaborate?
less workloads and more group or interactive activities..

11. On a scale of 1 – 10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.
Before: 4. Now: 8!

i will surely benefit from these knowledge that i gained throughout this course....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

submited successfully at last

last week, we failed to submit our teaching aids assignment due to some misunderstanding..but the mess was cleared and we succeed to submit at last.

we followed the format and we were so thankful that Pn. Foziah liked our piece of work. we put all of our energy and focus to the assignment.

it turned out to be a success for us. now, we are preparing to do and complete the lesson plan assignment.

this time, we also do in groups. my group members are Jong, Tina, and Afnan.. I've worked with these guys and they are awesome. we co-operate very well and divide our tasks so taht the work are easier to complete.

i will do the speaking skill lesson plan and my mind is full of ideas to do the task as i have experiences throughou attendinf this b.ed TESL course.

i really hope all of us will prodce the best lesson plan as we we are strong and resourceful by joining force.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

we will do better

today, we were supposed to submit our teaching aids compilation.. but, we made a mistake. we did not do as puan asked. we misunderstood the instruction of the task.

we were really regretted that day. we were supposed to be relieved and focus to other tasks.. we were given time to do the task and submit it next week.

we were glad to do that better..

Monday, October 5, 2009

feedback of my friendship video...

this morning, all of us presented our videos. we were so amazed to see amazing videos and some of them really touched our heart. the messages were conveyed effectively through the videos.

i really could see that some of us had matured and improved a lot in terms of producing materials creatively.i am very proud of my friends and myself.

seeing my video appreciated by others really boosted my confidence and gave me sense of satisfaction....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

week before raya holiday

that week, pn foziah gave us the opportunity to do discussion with our pairs about the video editing task.. before that, we presented our group work and we learned a lot from each others presentation.

the time that had been given to us were used wisely..we made great and quality planning as we were determine to do our best.

Friday, September 11, 2009

oh...9...came at last

pn foziah assigned us do PowerPoint on an article, so we divided the work among our group mates. we did the work and then she gave lecture on video editting.

she showed us some examples of video editing and some of them were our seniors.. when i saw the videos..some ideas came up. i was excited to complete the task.

pn foziah wanted us to work 9in pairs..a boy and gi rl. so i paired with mimi bazilah. i worked with her before and i am sure that we could do our best to produce a meaninguful video. that day, we brainstormed and came up with a theme of 'friendship'.

this video ia about 2 individuals with far differences, but still are together as they share the most important value in friendship, that is give and take..

Saturday, September 5, 2009

8th week...time to pass up the tasks

today, i have to submit the audio editing, e-book, photo editing and some group tasks....a lot of work had been done. so much energy had been spilled. a relief a last.

but still there were errors occurred that day. some of us misunderstood the tasks and had to adjust their work at exact time.

at the end of the day, everyone were happy and were waiting for the next tasks and adventures....hooraay!! what a day!